
Displays the transformed parameters of a completed or running model. Normally used inside of a diagnostic template, but can be useful for quickly seeing parameter estimates of several models.

rr(m, trans = TRUE)



An nm object.


Logical. If TRUE (default) will transform using control file $THETA/OMEGA conventions.


A tibble with NONMEM run results.

NONMEM coding conventions used by NMproject

The convention for $THETA comments used by NMproject is value ; name ; unit ; transformation

e.g. $THETA 0.1 ; KA ; h-1 ; LOG

The options for THETA transformations are: LOG, LOGIT, RATIO and missing. LOG and LOGIT refer to log and logit transformed THETAs, respectively where the parameters should be back-transformed for reporting. RATIO refers to ratio data types, i.e. parameters that are positive and have a meaningful zero. Most parameters like KA, CL, EMAX fall into this category, but covariates effects which can go negative do not. RSEs are calculated for ratio data. Missing transformations are suitable for all other parameters, here no RSEs will be calculated, only raw SE values will be reported.

The convention for $OMEGA is similar but without a unit item: value ; name ; transformation

e.g. $OMEGA 0.1 ; IIV_KA ; LOG

The options for OMEGA are either LOG or missing. LOG indicating that the individual parameter distribution is log normally distributions and should be reported as a CV% (and associated RSE%) rather than as the raw NONMEM estimate.

The convention for $OMEGA is just : value ; name.

THETA transformations using trans = TRUE

The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a % symbol in outputs) in the returned tibble is the reported standard error (where applicable) where \(\theta\) and \(se(\theta)\) are the NONMEM reported values of parameters and standard errors, respectively:


\(FINAL = exp(\theta), RSE = 100\sqrt(exp(se(\theta)^2) - 1)\)


\(FINAL = \theta, RSE = 100se(\theta)/\theta\)


\(FINAL = 100/(1 + exp(-\theta)), SE = se(\theta)\)


\(FINAL = \theta, SE = se(\theta)\)

OMEGA transformations using trans = TRUE

The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a % symbol in outputs) in the returned tibble is the reported standard error (where applicable) where \(\omega^2\) and \(se(\omega^2)\) are the NONMEM reported values of parameters and standard errors, respectively


\(FINAL = 100\sqrt(exp(\omega^2) - 1), RSE = 100(se(\omega^2)/\omega^2)/2\)


\(FINAL = \omega^2, SE = se(\omega^2)\)

SIGMA transformations using trans = TRUE

The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a % symbol in outputs) in the returned tibble is the reported standard error (where applicable) where \(\sigma^2\) and \(se(\sigma^2)\) are the NONMEM reported values of parameters and standard errors, respectively. All sigmas are reported as standard deviations.

all sigmas

\(FINAL = \sqrt(\sigma^2), RSE = 100se(\sigma^2) / \sigma^2\)

See also


## requires NONMEM to be installed
if (FALSE) {


## compare m1 and m2

rr(c(m1, m2))