Creates bootstrap datasets and returns corresponding nm
objects. Requires
the necessary rsample
splitting objects to be present. See examples.
An nm object.
Number of samples.
Folder (relative path) to store datasets.
Logical (default = FALSE
). Overwrites previous files.
Character (default = "ID"
). Name of ID column in dataset.
Arguments passed to fill_input()
A tibble
with samples
rows and an nm object object column m
execution of the bootstrap.
## The following only works inside an NMproject directory structure and
## and requires NONMEM installed
if (FALSE) {
# create example object m1 from package demo files
exdir <- system.file("extdata", "examples", "theopp", package = "NMproject")
m1 <- new_nm(run_id = "m1",
based_on = file.path(exdir, "Models", "ADVAN2.mod"),
data_path = file.path(exdir, "SourceData", "THEOPP.csv"))
d <- input_data(m1)
## in your dataset production script
d <- d %>%
WT_C = cut(WT, breaks = 2, labels = FALSE),
STRATA = paste(SEX, WT_C, sep = "_")
d_id <- d %>% distinct(ID, STRATA)
## create large set of resamples (to enable simulation to grow
## without ruining seed)
bootsplits <- rsample::bootstraps(d_id, 100, strata = "STRATA")
dir.create("DerivedData", showWarnings = FALSE)
bootsplits %>% saveRDS("DerivedData/bootsplit_data.csv.RData")
## In a model development script, the following, performs a
## 100 sample bootstrap of model m1
m1_boot <- m1 %>% make_boot_datasets(samples = 100, overwrite = TRUE)
m1_boot$m %>% run_nm()
## the following bootstrap template will wait for results to complete
m1_boot$m %>% nm_list_render("Scripts/basic_boot.Rmd")